Entrepreneur / media owner:
Accell GmbH
GER4TECH Metall- und Mechatronik Center, Gewerbepark Mitte 5, A-4846 Redlham
Managing director: Mag. Hubert Gerstmayr
Phone: +43681 84187047
E-Mail: hubert.gerstmayr@accell.at
Commercial register court: Wels, FN 506686 b
VAT number: ATU74209849
Object of the company: Development, manufacture, sale and maintenance of automated production cells.
Bank details: VKB Vöcklabruck
IBAN: AT94 1860 0000 1603 0330
Legislation: Trade Regulations (GewO); Mechatronics training regulations (ordinance); Ordinance on the entry requirements for the related trade of mechatronics for machine and production technology, mechatronics for electronics, office and IT system technology, mechatronics for electrical engineering and automation and mechatronics for medical device technology.
Chamber: Upper Austria Chamber of Commerce
Supervisory / trade authority: District administration Linz
Job title: mechatronics technician
Awarding state: Austria
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